Working with a Fertility Nutritionist

Supporting to Conception

What to expect when working with a fertility Nutritionist

My goal when I work with couples is to understand the root cause of their fertility struggles and get to the bottom of any barriers that may be stopping them from conceiving naturally. Unfortunately, infertility is on the rise and all too often couples believe they have no choice other than to go done the IVF route. That is where I come in! When I work with you, I will go into everything, from what your monthly bleed is like to what you are eating and how you are cooking it! I will leave no stone unturned! For this reason most of my couples really benefit from committing to the 3 month guided package.

The 3 month guided package really allows me to dig deep. In my experience when working with couples during this period we donʼt usually just find one hurdle to conceiving naturally. Through the comprehensive consultations we usually find a few red flags. Working together over this period we can address each of them and keep digging until you are in the absolute best position to conceive naturally.

Will I have to do additional testing?

If you decide to work with me for a single consultation there will be no additional testing. I may request any past results you have.

If you decide the 3month guided package is the one for you, there may be additional testing. Each couple is different though and has had a very different journey. Past test results may be enough to get as started on our investigations.

The tests I recommended will be because I really think they can give us some answers and there is so many incredible tests nowadays that can give us great insights and help us understand your fertility on a deeper level.

Fertility Statistics

Approximately 25% of couples with infertility are diagnosed with unexplained infertility, meaning that all standard tests return normal results, but they still cannot conceive. Following a diagnosis of unexplained fertility couples are often then signposted down the route of IVF. But there is so much more we can do. The standard tests tell us very little. For example, a male partner may have had a standard semen analysis and the results came back normal, however a standard semen test does not check for DNA fragmentation in the sperm. This can be corrected with the right diet and lifestyle choices. This is where my work as a fertility specialists comes in.

Other Fertility statistics

1 in 6

1 in 6 couples experience infertility. This rate is consistent across high-, middle-, and low-income countries, highlighting the widespread nature of this issue WHO


17.5% of reproductive aged couples experience infertility. Globally that’s 48.5 million couples who experience infertility WHO.


Male infertility is a factor in about 3050% of infertility cases within couples, highlighting the significant role of male factors in fertility issues 

30 to 34

Women aged 30 to 34 had the highest fertility rates in 2022. The number of conceptions for this age group has remained the highest for several years Office for National Statistics).


In 2021, around 55,000 patients underwent IVF or donor insemination treatments at licensed fertility centers in the UK. There were approximately 76,000 IVF cycles and 7,000 donor insemination cycles in that year HFEA.


The number of egg storage cycles increased significantly, from about 2,500 in 2019 to over 4,200 in 2021 HFEA


IVF pregnancy success for women aged 3537 was 26% in 2019 HFEA Unfortunately, it is not the guarantee a lot of people think it is.


I felt completely lost, the doctors couldnʼt give me any answers and I was added to a waiting list of 2 years to get IVF on the NHS. I didnʼt want to wait this long for something I wasnʼt even sure I needed. I started looking into what I could do and found myself at a fertility clinic. They told me the only way I would conceive would be through IVF, even though I still didnʼt know the reason why. This didnʼt feel right and I stopped that process. I did more research and found Dani. We did some more in depth tests, that the doctors hadnʼt done. We addressed the findings and 5months later I was pregnant with our little girl.

Louise, 36.

How could working with a Fertility Nutritionist help you?

My ultimate goal is to help you on your way to motherhood (and fatherhood! Here is just some of the ways I can help you:

I can provide advice on which nutrients to focus on for conception and what to avoid

I can help you improve your egg and sperm quality to increase chances of conception

I can help you balance your hormones and optimise your cycle to improve chances of conceiving

I can help you find the best supplements for you to really support your fertility journey

I can help you regulate your blood sugar

I can help you eliminate toxins that may be harming your chances of conceiving

I can help you improve your vaginal microbiome which may enhance your fertility


It got to month 10 of trying and that day I got my period I felt broken, I got onto google and researched what I could do to get pregnant. Luckily I found Daniʼs site! I booked in a call with her and then booked a consultation. She made me feel completely reassured and managed my expectations, I didnʼt actually realise it was quite normal for a couple with no problems too take that long and longer to get pregnant. In the consultation we looked at mine and my partnerʼs diet and lifestyles. She told us some foods to introduce and some things we needed to cut down on! We talked about supplements for both of us and even things like the lube we were using! I would recommend Dani to anyone trying to conceive. I am now pregnant and Dani really helped us get there.

Ami, 34.